Thursday, 2 February 2012

Close but still no Cigar!

Ok guys i will start off by explaining the cigar remark. Basically I have had a Cuban Cigar ready to smoke with a bottle of 15 year old whisky since Christmas and said to myself I would not smoke it until I shipped an mtt or got a score of 4 figures or more. Well finally I got my score finishing 3/4269 for $1408.77 + bounties in the $5.40 turbo knockout 6k guaranteed on Sunday but my cigar still remains unsmoked. Ive been in pain for over 3 weeks previous and when I went to the doctors they took a urine sample and give me some pills. The day after my score I got a call saying the results are in and that ive basically got a kidney infection and have to take more pills to sort it out, meaning no alcohol. So due to not being able to drink my whisky I havent had my cigar yet, but hopefully soon I can smoke that baby and toast victoryyyyyy. Maybe by then I will have two results to celebrate you never know.

On a side note i played in 5 TCOOP events total cashing in 1, busting A10 vs 23s all in pre flop inthe event (yes it was like bingo). Only reason I played in them was because i got free ticket and staking or I would not have bothered as I seen them as a distraction of my micro mission.

From my initial goals im going quite well, i have arranged with Takezo to do some coaching in 2 weeks, i am going to stick to good bankroll management and not play mtts over $5.50 at the minute. I put in over 50 hours of research to develop my game last month and that is going to continue with results already showing my continued improvement. The book im currently reading is Harrington on Holdem, gunna get through the series and hopefully i get some useful info.

Hopefully another good month

Peace out

Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.
Thomas Jefferson

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